
We represent people who have been seriously injured by the negligence of others. They may have been hurt in automobile accidents, falls, construction activities, or on the job. These are trying times for both clients and their families, who are facing health problems as well as mounting medical costs. By providing efficient, compassionate service, we try to lessen that burden.



在 Brayton Purcell LLP,我们为客户获得了出色的人身伤害和解和判决。例如,安东尼·加莱戈斯等人。在诉迪克·西蒙卡车运输公司 (Dick Simon Trucking, Inc.) 案中,陪审团判给一名儿童 1,640 万美元,该儿童因乘坐的汽车被卡车撞倒而遭受创伤性脑损伤。我们很高兴这笔金额包括了他未来的医疗需求,并有助于确保他的财务安全。这曾经是,现在仍然是犹他州最高的人身伤害判决。我们最近处理的其他案件包括骨折、手部和眼睛受伤等,涉及有缺陷的机械设备和安装不当的汽车零部件。无论案件规模或类型如何,我们的人身伤害律师都会积极争取客户获得人身伤害公正赔偿的权利。

Please feel free to contact our personal injury lawyers in California if you would like to discuss your claim. Our initial consultation is at no cost. Also, we will not charge an attorney fee until we have successfully completed your personal injury case.