对于那些关节僵硬、疼痛或肿胀但想要保持积极生活方式的人来说,通常会建议进行髋关节置换术。人工髋关节置换系统由三部分组成:股骨头、模块化颈和股骨柄。不幸的是,我们发现 Wright Medical ProFemur 系统的模块化颈部组件的故障率很高。对于许多接受过髋关节置换术的人来说,在初次置换手术几年后,模块化颈部意外断裂。没有任何症状或警告信号表明人造模块化颈部会断裂。


If a modular neck component spontaneously breaks, it requires emergency surgery to remove and replace the hip. This process can be long and painful. It may require multiple surgeries in the future, a lot of recovery time, and the financial burden will be pressing. Additionally, if you have recently had a hip replacement with a Wright modular neck, there is a strong possibility your hip replacement system also has metal on metal parts, which could create more complications. If this is the case, a Wright modular neck fracture lawyer could guide you through an injury claim.


从 2000 年到 2009 年,Wright Medical 经销的 ProFemur 模块化颈是由钛合金制成的。在此期间,莱特医疗收到了模块化颈部故障的报告。作为回应,Wright Medical 于 2009 年开始分销和销售由钴铬合金制成的 ProFemur 颈。然而,尽管材料发生了变化,钴铬模块化颈在颈-茎连接处继续断裂。 2015 年 8 月 7 日,ProFemur Varus/Valgus 钴铬合金颈(零件号 PHAC 1254)因“意外的骨折率”从市场上召回。


If you or a loved one experienced a fracture in the modular neck component of your hip replacement system, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact a Wright modular neck fracture lawyer to get started.