Workers and students have been exposed to asbestos in schools. If you have developed symptoms of an asbestos-related disease, such as mesothelioma, you may be entitled to compensation from the school district or the manufacturers and suppliers of the asbestos products. Contact a workplace asbestos exposure lawyer to discuss your legal options after exposure in a school.

Asbestos in Schools

The following are examples of the dangers of asbestos in schools:

  • Insulation: Asbestos was commonly used in steam pipe and boiler insulation.
  • Construction: Asbestos products were used extensively in school construction, including in fireproofing, insulation, joint compounds, ceiling tiles, floor tiles, and plaster and patching compounds.
  • Pipes and plumbing: Plumbers and pipefitters may be exposed to asbestos when working with cement pipes, pipe coverings, or boilers.
  • Shops: Mechanics may be exposed to asbestos fibers in brake pads, shoes, clutch discs, linings, and gaskets.
  • Asbestos removal and demolition: Improper asbestos removal and building renovation can result in workers and students being exposed to asbestos.

When you retain us to represent you, we will undertake a comprehensive investigation of your case, to document your exposure to asbestos and the injuries you have suffered. Our lawyers will work tirelessly to obtain maximum compensation for you.

Discuss Asbestos Exposure In Schools with a Seasoned Attorney

If you or a loved one developed mesothelioma or another illness after working in a school, you could be entitled to financial compensation. Reach out to a workplace asbestos exposure lawyer today to discuss your school exposure case and learn about your potential payment options.