Legal News

December 18, 2019

Lawsuit Against the EPA Could Affect Asbestos Litigation

Every year, tens of thousands of Americans die due to asbestos-related diseases. Knowing this, in the early 1970s, asbestos insulation & sprayed asbestos materials were banned, and in 1977 asbestos joint compound was banned.  In 1989, the Environmental Protection Agency banned most uses of asbestos, but manufacturers successfully sued and got the ban overturned.  Several [...]
October 15, 2019

A Retirement That Turned Deadly

For three decades, Al Bennet worked as an auto mechanic at a variety of dealerships. Day after day, week after week, and year after year, he worked underneath multiple car models. His job was to replace and repair brakes, gaskets, clutches and other parts. While each component serves a vastly different purpose, they all had [...]
August 22, 2019

Johnson & Johnson’s Legal Gamble Against an Expert Witness

Johnson & Johnson thought that they were in the clear in 1976. Mount Sinai Hospital researchers announced that while many talcum powder brands cause cancer, J&J products were free of the carcinogen. Now, more than 40 years later, unsealed company documents tell a much different story that reveals the possibility of company executives engaged in [...]
August 15, 2019

ADAO’s Asbestos Ban Bill Stronger Than Ever

For decades, the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) has been fighting for a ban on asbestos in the United States. Since 1989 when the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) almost issued a nation-wide ban on asbestos, $100,000,000 USD has been spent on 375,000 metric tons of asbestos imports and many have lost their lives to asbestos-related [...]
March 5, 2019

The Continuing Legal Saga over Tainted Talc

Of all products that are presumed to be safe, baby powder would likely be towards the top of that list. While use of the talc is not limited to infants needing diaper changes, the notion of any health risks over its use is difficult, if not impossible to imagine. For decades, Johnson & Johnson has [...]
July 31, 2018

Delaware High Court Tackles Liability in Take-Home Asbestos Cases

We posted a blog about the recent Arizona Supreme Court ruling that in that state, an employer is not liable for this kind of harm to household members. As we noted, it varies among the states whether employers have the duty to warn employees of this kind of risk to prevent disease and death at [...]
July 17, 2018

Missouri Jury Verdict: $4.69 Billion in Talc-Ovarian Cancer Case

On July 12, a jury in St. Louis, Missouri, awarded 22 plaintiffs $4.69 billion in damages in a lawsuit alleging that Johnson & Johnson, or J&J for short, and an affiliated company, sold baby powder containing asbestos that had allegedly caused ovarian cancer after long-term use. The trial in the St. Louis Circuit Court, a [...]
November 10, 2017

Favorable Result Reached in Utah Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Pictured from left to right: Nicole Leon (Paralegal), Mrs. Ashworth, Brayton Purcell Attorneys Jennifer Alesio and Daniel Morse Brayton Purcell reached a favorable resolution after four days of jury trial in the Utah Third District Court of Salt Lake County, for the Ashworth family. The Ashworth family brought a wrongful death lawsuit against various entities for [...]
September 21, 2017

$30,000 Asbestos Case Settlement Paid by California Realty Company

McNamara Realty in San Luis Obispo, California is a real estate and property management company responsible for managing residential and commercial properties for buyers and renters. Recently the company was investigated by the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District (APCD) and the district attorney’s office. Reports from the APCD showed that McNamara Realty [...]
September 11, 2017

In California, What Happens if the Plaintiff in a Lawsuit Passes Away?

In certain practice areas, such as our law firm’s focus area of asbestos litigation, attorneys often work closely with clients who are terminally ill with little time left to live. It is an unfortunate truth that some of them do not live long enough to see the results of their lawsuits, and it is important [...]